
Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, United States, 17 March 2013. Picture of clay pots in front of an evening fire in a townhome in Franconia, a suburb in Alexandria, Virginia, outside of Washington, D.C. (Light vs. Dark: Fireplace 1. Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1.)


Blurred Background: Flower 1 Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1

FRANCONIA, Virginia, United States, 19 March 2013. Picture of a blooming flower patch in the common area of a townhome community in Franconia, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. (Depth of Field, Shallow Background: Flower 1. Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1.)


Focused Background: Flower 2 Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling

FRANCONIA, Virginia, United States, 19 March 2013. Picture of a blooming flower patch in the common area of a townhome community in Franconia, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. (Depth of Field, Deep Background: Flower 2. Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1.)


Assignment 1: Visual Storytelling

FRANCONIA, Virginia, United States, 21 March 2013. A car drives by the Kingstowne Center on Kingstowne Village Parkway in Franconia, a suburb outside of Washington, D.C. (Motion, Static: Passing Car 1. Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1.)


Motion, Tracking: Passing Car 2 Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1

FRANCONIA, Virginia, United States, 21 March 2013. A car drives by the Kingstowne Center on Kingstowne Village Parkway in Franconia, a suburb outside of Washington, D.C. (Motion, Tracking: Passing Car 2. Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1.)


Framing: Library 1 Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1

SUITLAND, Maryland, United States, 21 March 2013. Census Bureau employee searches the stacks in the library of the U.S. Census Bureau, located in Suitland, Maryland, a suburb outside of Washington, D.C. (Framing: Library 1. Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1.)


Environmental Portrait: Restaurant Patron Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1

WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 22 March 2013. Customer at The Hamilton, a posh restaurant located in Washington, D.C., enjoys a beer as he waits for his lunch. The Hamilton is run by Clyde’s Restaurant Group, which also manages The Old Ebbitt Grill. (Environmental Portrait: Restaurant Patron 1. Assignment 1, Visual Storytelling 1.)


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